LEA Membership Benefits
- Networks provide educational resources and interaction with other professionals in your specific ministries
- Internet listservs
- Tips of the Week and other informational resources
LEA Awards
- Annual awards for distinguished service
- Professional recognition
- Powerful resume and vita element
- Shaping the Future: quarterly LEA e-magazine
- LEAnews: Devotions and weekly web resource
- Lutheran Education Journal: questions for reflection and discussion of articles
- LEA eMonographs
- Special Reports (Network/Internet publications)
Institutes, Academies, and Conferences
Member discounts at:
- National Administrators Conference
- Early Childhood Leadership Institute
- Triennial Convocation
- Other conferences, synodical and district events
Advocacy for the Churchworker
- Advocating at the district and synodical level on behalf and in support of educators in Lutheran ministries
- Provide recommended guidelines for organizations and churchworkers.
LEA Student Membership Support
- Resources for students training for church work
- Preparing students for ministry
- Affirming their decision to serve the Lord
- Mentoring for students by seasoned educators
Lutheran Education Opportunity Center
- Post your information
- Search and review ministry positions
- Post ministry positions
- Search and review qualified candidates
LEA Mall
- Shop online for LEA products, general merchandise of interest to educators
- LEA and spirit wear clothing at a discount to LEA members
- Lutheran Credit Union of America financial services