LEA News
Idea Starters
You and missions? “Seven Steps for Following the Great Commission.”
New in Lutheran Education Journal: The Effects of Video and Television on Young Children: Research and Reflection for Christian Education by Sudi Kate Gliebe.
Upcoming Conference
LEA National Administrators Conference: For Times Like These, is Friday through Sunday, January 13-15, 2012, in Orlando, Florida.
Recordings of recent webinars will remain available on the Conference page of LEA’s Website. They are:
- It’s Not Just China, recorded LEA webinar by Rich Cohrs on August 12.
- Train up a Child: The path to self-regulation, recorded LEA webinar by Kim Marxhausen on August 17.

Tips of the Week for all Networks are available at the Networks tab.
Looking for Shaping the Future articles? Issues dating back to 2008 are available either as online magazines or pdf versions. (If you reach only the homepage, click on the Resources tab.)
Internet safety…Here are two sites to assist you with safe computing: phishing alerts from University of Michigan and Internet Safety from Cornell U. (Thanks to Rich Helmke for the leads.)
Membership news
Nominations for the 2012 cycle of LEA awards are now closed. Many thanks to everyone who submitted a nomination. Award recipients will be announced in January 2012.
Now www.lea.org will remember you
The “remember” feature on LEA’s website now works, eliminating the need to constantly enter your member number. Here’s how to get it to work for you.
- Enter via the Login tab instead of the boxes in the upper right corner of the page.
- Enter your member number in the User Name box.
- Enter your password. Your password is your member number preceded by case sensitive lea, e.g., lea60101.
- Check the Remember Login box.
- Click the Login button.
- When you leave the site, do not logout. Use the X box at the top right of the page.
- Next time you come to www.lea.org, you will not have to use a login procedure. The site will remember you for about a year.