Malaria and Maleah
- In what ways can you relate to the story of Maleah?
- What surprises did this feature article bring to you?
- Outline ways in which you might participate in Lutheran World Relief’s Lutheran Malaria Initiative. Whose help will you need to execute your plans? What will be the timetable?
The Fast Train Called Education
- What signs indicate that your school is “on the fastrack” of education?
- Why is it important for Lutheran schools to be 21st-century schools?
- What must you never change? What must you change within the year? Within the next three years?
Living “Green”
- How will this article help you integrate faith and Scripture into your “green” school initiatives?
- How can you use this article to help parents understand your mission and how it connects to worldly concerns?
ECEnet: Professionalism in Early Childhood Education
- What are some indicators that you are considered a “professional” at your place of ministry?
- What are some indicators that you are not considered a “professional?”
- What can you do about it?
- What do others need to do?
ETnet: Technology in Lutheran Schools
- In what ways will excellence in use of technology advance the mission of your Lutheran school?
- How will familiarity with constantly changing technology prepare your students for their future vocations?
- How can technology influence parental choice of schools for their children?
- What must you do to keep up?
EncourAGEnet: Three Meals, Three Words
- Do any retired educators attend your worship services or live in the community? How might you connect with them—and for what purposes?
- What are your hopes for retirement? How might you wish to stay connected with Lutheran education or other service?
- How will you know when it is time for you to retire?
LEADnet: Witness Parent
- How much of your parent teacher conference time is allotted for faith issues?
- What is your major obstacle to discussing faith matters?
- Is there another format for witnessing or discussing faith issues?
MOnet: Investing in Green
- How does a “green school” movement support the concept of Godly stewardship of resources?
- Many schools can’t rebuild or even remodel to “green” standards. What can they do to practice stewardship of resources? What steps must school administration take to address this issue?
PEN: Being RIFed
- Does your congregation or school have a RIF policy? Are you familiar with it?
- Since RIF is becoming more prevalent, what can you do to hedge against or prepare for it?
SECnet: Tools for Teaching
- How do you acquire training for using technology tools in your classes?
- How difficult is it to prepare students to use technology tools that may be new to them?
- Why is it especially important for Lutheran high schools to employ technology in teaching?
SNL: Friend or Foe
- What on your social network pages might serve to discourage a congregation from calling you? What can you do about it?
- When someone “friends” you, what standards do you apply to accept, deny, or ignore? What are potential consequences of each decision?
- Did you know that LEA has a Facebook page for SNL members? The page is only for SNL participants; if you wish access, please identify yourself to