hong kong international school

Concordia Portland

grow banner

fall issue cover art

cross on classroom wall

africa gospel

We Teach Truth

Before you share the message of your Lutheran school on Twitter or Pandora, you have to know what truths your school is willing to defend. Read We Teach Truth to learn more!.

K-9 Comfort Dogs

There are more than 90 K-9 Comfort Dogs — a ministry of Lutheran Church Charities — in 21 states across the country. Learn about some of the awesome things these wonder dogs are doing in Lutheran schools!

LEA networks


ECE net

ECEnet Early Childhood Educators (ECEnet):
Let the Little Children Come to Me

After teaching in an Early Childhood setting for more than 30 years (mostly at Lutheran schools), newly retired teacher Nancy Jahnke gives great perspective on what is the same, what has changed, and what she will miss about teaching.

AGEnetEncourAGEnet Retired Lutheran Educators (EncourAGEnet):
Retired? Almost Ready to Retire?

Dick Blatt offers some great advice on how to reposition
yourself in retirement. Are you taking advantage of any
of these ideas already?

ETnetETnetElementary Teachers (ETnet):
One to One: BYOT!

Our Redeemer Lutheran School helped their students become 21st-Century learners with an integrated plan to Bring Your Own Technology! Jim Van Dellen shares a few thoughts on how to effectively implement this strategy in a Lutheran school setting.

LEADnetLEADnet Leadership (LEADnet):
Boards: Dysfunctional no longer!

Educational consultant Paul Brandt shares his knowledge
on signs of a dysfunctional board and tools to get useful
information from experts.

SECnetSECnetSecondary Educators (SECnet):
What do you want to get out of college?

There are almost 3,000 accredited 4-year institutions of higher learning in the
United States. How can you help your students work through the
process of selecting the school that might be the best fit for them?


Executive Director’s Word

Editor’s Word

LEA News

LEA Awards

Review, Reflect, Resolve